Among the various scientific and social activities of FABAD Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Ankara, the most important one is to publish and distribute “FABAD Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences”. This journal has begun to be publish in 1969 under the name of “Bulletin of Association of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Ankara”. At that time, the Publisher of this bulletin was Pharm. Abdullah UNGAN and the Reduction Committee was consisted of Prof. Dr. Enver IZGÜ, Prof. Dr. Mekin TANKER, Pharm. Aysen KARAN, Pharm. Suna DURU, Pharm. Okan ATAY and Pharm. Hüsnü ÖZGÖREN, whereas in the editorial board Prof. Dr. Mekin TANKER, Pharm. Okan ATAY and Pharm. Ekrem SEZIK were present. Until the year of 1981, this bulletin was published for 2-3 times a year. From September 1981, the bulletin was renamed as “FABAD Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences”. The journal has begun to be published three times a year (April, August, and December) since 2017. The cover page of FABAD Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences has been changed 5 times as shown below. In 1993, the size of the Journal has been chaged to A4 format while the language of scientific articles was determined as English. Since 2002, the official language of the Journal was completely changed to English and the cover page was also renewed during this term. The FABAD Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences has been accepted to be indexed in Chemical Abstracts since September 19, 1983 as shown below. Currently, the Journal is indexed in Chemical Abstracts, Analytical Abstracts, International Pharmaceutical Abstracts, Excerpta Medica (EMBASE), Scopus, Turkish Medical Index and TR Index. The Journal has been distributed to members, various libraries and related database centers in Turkey (393) and out of Turkey (59) being totally 452. At 2005, a detailed WEB site of the Journal has been prepared which is giving free access to the abstracts of articles since 1995 and PDF files of all articles since 2003. In 2016, the website for the journal was updated and PDF files of all articles have been accessed since 1970, when the journal started its publication life.
The names of the Editors-in-Chief and Associate Editors have been listed since 1969 till today below.
Enver IZGÜ (Editor-in-Chief )
1981 March-1984 June;
Aysen KARAN (Editor-in-Chief )
1984 September-1985 December;
Aysen KARAN (Editor-in-Chief )
Okan ATAY (Associate Editor)
1986 March-1986 September;
Okan ATAY (Editor-in-Chief )
Süheyla KAS (Associate Editor)
1986 December-1988 September;
Okan ATAY (Editor-in-Chief )
Fethi SAHIN (Associate Editor)
1988 December-1990 December;
Okan ATAY (Editor-in-Chief )
Süheyla KAS (Associate Editor)
1991 March-1992 June;
Ismail ÜSTEL (Editor-in-Chief )
Ufuk ABBASOGLU (Associate Editor)
Ahmet BASARAN (Associate Editor)
1992 September-1994 September;
Ilbeyi AGABEYOGLU (Editor-in-Chief )
Nevin ÇELEBI (Associate Editor)
Fatma GÜMÜS (Associate Editor)
1994 December-1995 June;
Ilbeyi AGABEYOGLU (Editor-in-Chief )
Fatma GÜMÜS (Associate Editor)
Füsun ACARTÜRK (Associate Editor)
1995 September-1996 June;
Ilbeyi AGABEYOGLU (Editor-in-Chief )
Fatma GÜMÜS (Associate Editor)
1996 September-1998 September;
Sema BURGAZ (Editor-in-Chief )
Senay KÜSMENOGLU (Associate Editor)
Sulhiye YILDIZ (Associate Editor)
1998 December-2000 September;
Rahmiye ERTAN (Editor-in-Chief )
Erdem YESILADA (Associate Editor)
Sevgi SAR (Associate Editor)
2000 December-2002 September;
Sema ÇALIS (Editor-in-Chief )
Selma SARAÇ (Associate Editor)
I. Tayfun UZBAY (Associate Editor)
2002 December-2003 December;
Sema ÇALIS (Editor-in-Chief )
Selma SARAÇ (Associate Editor)
Gülberk UÇAR (Associate Editor)
2004 March – 2009 January;
Selma SARAÇ (Editor-in-Chief )
Ünsal ÇALIS (Associate Editor)
Belma GIRAY (Associate Editor)
2009 January-2011 September;
Sevda ŞENEL (Editor-in-Chief)
R. Neslihan GÜRSOY (Associate Editor)
Ü. Şebnem HARPUT HÜDAVERDİ (Associate Editor)
2011 September-2013 June;
Didem DELİORMAN ORHAN (Editor-in-Chief)
Sultan BAYTAŞ (Associate Editor)
Ahmet Oğuz ADA (Associate Editor)
İffet İrem ÇANKAYA (Associate Editor)
Aysel BERKKAN (Associate Editor)
2013 September-2016 January;
Didem DELİORMAN ORHAN (Editor-in-Chief)
Ahmet Oğuz ADA (Associate Editor)
İffet İrem ÇANKAYA (Associate Editor)
Aysel BERKKAN (Associate Editor)
Nilüfer ORHAN (Associate Editor)
2016 January-2017 December;
Nesrin GÖKHAN-KELEKÇİ (Editor-in-Chief)
Ahmet Oğuz ADA (Associate Editor)
Irem TATLI ÇANKAYA(Associate Editor)
Sibel İLBASMIŞ TAMER (Associate Editor)
Suna SABUNCUOĞLU(Associate Editor)
2018 January-2019 November;
Nesrin GÖKHAN-KELEKÇİ (Editor-in-Chief)
Ahmet Oğuz ADA (Associate Editor)
Sibel İLBASMIŞ TAMER (Associate Editor)
Suna SABUNCUOĞLU(Associate Editor)
2019 November- 2022 November;
Nesrin GÖKHAN-KELEKÇİ (Editor-in-Chief)
Ahmet Oğuz ADA (Associate Editor)
Sibel İLBASMIŞ TAMER (Associate Editor)
Suna SABUNCUOĞLU(Associate Editor)
Selen Alp (Associate Editor)
Fatma Sezer Şenol Deniz (Associate Editor)
2022 November-;
Nesrin GÖKHAN-KELEKÇİ (Editor-in-Chief)
Sibel İLBASMIŞ TAMER (Associate Editor)
Selen ALP (Associate Editor)
Fatma Sezer ŞENOL DENİZ (Associate Editor)
Gökçen TELLİ (Technical Editor)
V. Murat KUTLUAY (Technical Editor)
Hatice Yağmur ZENGİN (Biostatistic Editor)