Nevin ÇELEBĘ**
University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Physiology,
Ankara, TURKEY.
**Gazi University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Depatrment of
Pharmaceutical Technology, Ankara, TURKEY.
Gastric mucosal injury associated with hepatic dysfunction
can be correlated with metabolic perturbation of antioxidan
compounds such as reduced glutathione (GSH) and related
compounds in the liver and stomach. The aim of this study
was to determine the effects of Epidermal Growth Factor
(EGF) administration routes on lipid peroxidation (MDA)
and glutathione (GSH) metabolism in liver of coldrestraint
stress rats. The study was performed on 7 groups:Group
I: untreated rats (Control), Group II: Acute cold restraint
stress effect on liver tissue (CRS), Group III: Untreated
rats after cold restraint stress (CRS-UP), Group IV: Cold
restraint stress with intragastric microemulsion treatment
(ME), Group V: Cold restraint stress with intragastric
EGF treatment in microemulsion (ME-EGF) (for 7 days, 6
?g/kg) Group VI:Cold restraint stress with intraperitoneal
physiologic saline injection (IP-PS), Group VII: Cold
restraint stress with intraperitoneal EGF treatment in
physiologic saline (IP-EGF)(for 7 days, 6?g/kg).The results
indicated the liver MDA levels were significantly increased
in all experimental groups.The liver GSH levels of ME-EGF
and IP-EGF treated groups were decreased significantly
when compared to their control groups.Our results suggest
that cold restraint stress caused an increase in hepatic
lipid peroxidation levels and EGF treatment decreased
hepatic GSH levels.These results might indicate that EGF
plays a regulatory role independently to its dosage for
or administration route on GSH metabolism in liver.
Cold restraint stress, EGF, Liver, MDA, GSH