Öykü ÇETIN*, Selma ŞAHİN*?, A.Atilla
Üniversitesi, Eczacilik Fakültesi, Farmasötik
Teknoloji Anabilim Dali, 06100, Sihhiye, Ankara, TÜRKIYE.
Despite its side effects, chlorpromazine has been a widely
used phenothiazine derivative in the treatment of schizophrenia
and related disorders.In addition to psychiatric disorders,
it has also been used as an antiemetic, anticholinergic
and antipruritic agent. After oral administration, the
percentage of chlorpromazine reaching to the systemic
circulation is very low and dose dependent. Due to extensive
first pass metabolism, intra-subject and inter-subject
variances are very high. In this review, physicochemical
and pharmacological properties, pharmacokinetics and bioavailability
of chlorpromazine are discussed.
Chlorpromazine, Pharmacokinetics, Bioavailability, Pharmacology,
Drug interactions.